031 306 4021 | TRADING HOURS: MON- FRI: 8AM - 5PM | SAT: 8AM-4PM | SUN: 9AM- 3PM admin@victoriastreetmarket.co.za
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Zulu Medicine Market in Durban

Zulu Medicine Market in Durban

Next to the Victoria Street Market is the Zulu Medicine Market where you can have an informative tour of “Inyanga (Doctors) lane”. The Zulu Medicine Market is a unique place where Zulu culture has survived in the modern urban environment.

– Moris Trotter

Warwick Junction

Warwick Junction

Warwick Junction includes 9 Distinct Markets

Warwick Junction lies at the heart of Durban and is the primary public transport interchange in the city. On an average day the area accommodates almost 500,000 commuters, and at least 6000 informal traders. Given the confluence of rail, taxi and bus transport, this area has always been a natural market for informal traders.

Currently Warwick is the only informally structured market in a public space of this magnitude, and thus establishes itself as the single most authentic African market that South Africa has to offer.

Meet and greet local traders of the 9 distinct Markets of Warwick including the Victoria Street Market. The products available vary from beadwork, traditional arts and crafts, traditional cuisine, fresh produce, music and entertainment merchandise, clothing, accessories and traditional medicine. During the tour you will experience this unique interactive cultural market.