“This is a most wonderful, bustling, captivating market where you can buy anything from African jewellery, shoes and clothes, smartphones and local food, to fruit & veg & fish & meat (including whole heads of cows or sheep which are apparently boiled whole for hours – bon appetit!), also spices etc. Great atmosphere! Veg market is open 24/7 (apparently, the marketenders effectively live in their stalls…). Pop into adjacent Muti (= medicine) market to buy whatever you need for spells and potions…(dried snake skins anybody?) Lots of shops and streetstalls in the area, too. Safety: not an issue during the day. Didn’t feel unsafe at all. Just wouldn’t flash valuables around, but this goes for all of S.A., it’s perfectly safe in my view, and I’m a white woman. Me and my 2 white friends were the only whites there, and all was fine. Only problem: not everybody speaks English. Note to self: learn a bit of isiZulu!” -Ate Favourites
Source: Google Reviews
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